Sunday, February 28, 2010

Scoodle Doots... Phoebe Ribboned Hoodie

Jordan, a childhood friend and fellow ACU'er, ordered a ribboned hoodie for her sassy three-year-old, Phoebe. This project was extra fun (and a little scary) because Jordan (and her mom) are not only amazing sewers, but Jordan is Little Miss Crafty. Seriously - if anyone should be a stay-at-home-mom/housewife, it's Jordan. She does it soooooo well and makes it look effortless... always cooking incredible meals and desserts, always so very organized and the house looks picked up/cleaned in every picture she takes, she opens up her new home for festive parties and church functions (she goes ALL out, folks), she's constantly thinking of new creative ways to celebrate each and every holiday (including the little ones that most of us don't even know about - ie. National Pancake Day)... she makes her kids' Halloween costumes, people. She's Martha Stewart, but cuter and nicer.
Of course Jordan had the cutest Heather Bailey fabrics picked out for Phoebe's hoodie. Aren't they precious? I mean, who couldn't have fun with these fabrics???

I sure did! I can't wait to see how cute red-headed Phoebe looks in her perfectly picture pink/red/blue Scoodle Doots Ribboned Hoodie. Look out, Texas Panhandle. One of your cowgirls just got a little bit more sassy.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Baby Grayson

hooded towel

close-up of hood
polka-dotted font used on monogram

personalized onesie #1

personalized onesie #2

elephant burp cloth

close-up of elephant with polka-dotted monogram

two fabric burp cloth

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Scoodle Dooters - Customer Pics

Kason in his Scoodle Doots Chunky Monkey birthday attire! What a cutie!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Scoodle Doots - Blakely

Again, I apologize for the poor picture quality as I am still having to use my husband's iPhone as my camera.
Blakely's spunky personlized onesie and hooded towel

close-up of onesie

close-up of hooded towel