Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Scoodle Doots - Rhett Goes to Preschool

You read that title correctly. Although it is April, Rhett had to suddenly start preschool because the lady that was watching him when I went to work got another job.

Anyways, while reading through the school's policies, I found that they had to have a cup with their name on it. I decided I'd take it a step further (because I was bored) and monogrammed him a sippy cup instead
using some of my favorite boy fabric that I found at Cabbage Rose in Fort Worth.

His lunchbox had to have his name on it too - the monogram machine was out and set up - why not monogram his lunchbox while I was at it?

Now if I can find the time to monogram his backpack...

Scoodle Doots - Braylin's 1st Birthday

Aunt Jessica had big surprises in store for "Braylin Girl's" 1st birthday! She ordered a ribboned hoodie and a personalized shirt. Both turned out so spunky! Aunt Jessica did a really good job! I am sure Braylin will look precious in her new gifts. Happy late birthday to you, Braylin!

The orginal plan was to sew "Braylin" across the sweatshirt, but plans had to change. I just couldn't fit her 'long' name on that tiny sweatshirt. We decided to stick to her initials instead.

I wish Aunt Jessica could be my aunt!

Scoodle Doots - Ashley

Gran D also had some surprises for Ashley. She order 1) a hooded towel. I was instructed to make it pink with a lab on the hood (Ashley has a black lab who is truly part of the fam).

Gran D also ordered some monogrammed panties (diaper covers) for Ashley. It's almost summer time, and one can't have their plain diaper showing when wearing sundresses now, can they? The one that reads "Little Dumpling" was a special request by Ashley's grandfather... Ashley's mommy, Angie, had panties with "Little Dumpling" monogrammed on them when she was a baby b/c that was her dad's nickname for her. In the spirit of tradition, Gran D had no choice but to get "Dumpling" panties for Ashley, too.